About Angi & Sarah

Angi Klick
The Founder of She Tris Triathlon, Angela (Angi) Klick, has been participating and working in the endurance sports business since 2005. She is a USAT Certified Race Director. Angi founded the Charleston Tri it for Life Chapter and later served as VP and President of the National Board. Angi is a busy mom of three active girls. She knows what it feels like to be a beginner in endurance sports and also the struggle it takes to find the time to train and balance family and work life. She fits workouts in when she can and has been known to run around soccer fields to make good use of her time of watching and working out! She also knows what it feels like to be an athlete, have three kids and try to be an athlete again. Wow, the changing body! She is convinced she is a better wife and mom when she maintains her fitness and experiences the pure joy of participating in events with friends. Angi managed two locations of a triathlon store where she discovered how rewarding it was to work with beginners and what a difference it made to help someone get the right start. In 2014 she invited a group of her friends (all new to triathlon) to train for a triathlon together. Most thought she was crazy, but after a bit of convincing, they all had so much fun with the experience. The closest women’s only triathlon was in North Carolina. Angela realized that there was a void in the community so she decided to plan a women’s only triathlon in the Charleston ares, which is where the idea for She Tris began. Angi wants to continue to inspire women to put themselves first and create their own journey to becoming a triathlete.

Sarah Hays
Sarah considers herself an adult onset athlete, finding an interest in running only after befriending a runner in college. She struggled to see herself as a “true athlete” until she met Angi, her future partner, in a triathlon store near Charleston, SC, when she was considering her first triathlon. Angi helped Sarah squash her self-doubt, find the right equipment, and encouraged her to continue on with the sport. Angi’s support and encouragement stayed with her over the year of her first triathlon finish lines and during her hiatus from sport while starting and growing her family. Returning to the sport in 2014, Sarah was encouraged to see the endurance community growing and, having found her spark and joy in finish lines again, she wanted to be a part of that growth. Sarah served as a founding member, VP, and later President of the Charleston Chapter of Tri It For Life. Her love of bringing new women into the sport, no matter their starting point, led her to partner with Angi in 2018 and putting on the She Tris Triathlon events together. Creating an encouraging environment for all women and cheering them over the finish line is what makes Sarah happiest. Her favorite parts of triathlon is when the swim is over and reading the spectator signs along the course.